Guest Pass Creator

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Groovix Guest Pass Creator is one component of the Groovix Dashboard. The Groovix Guest Pass Creator is a web page that displays a form to create and print guest passes for patrons without a library card. Groovix Guest Pass Creator uses the "staff" user account; if you do not know the password for Groovix web administration, please see your system administrator. More information on this account can be found on the Groovix Accounts page.

Accessing Guest Pass Creator

The Groovix Guest Pass Creator can be accessed two different ways:

  • In a web browser navigate to http://[ServerIP]/groovix/pactime/ where [ServerIP] is the IP address of your local Groovix Server
  • Clicking the “guest passes” button on the Groovix Dashboard

Using Guest Pass Creator

You can set custom values for each guest pass (or set of guest passes) by entering in values for each property. To generate guest passes, fill out the four required boxes (in beige) and any necessary optional boxes (in blue) and click the Create button. The passes will be generated and shown below along with a Print button to print out your newly generated passes.

When using guest passes with any time overrides, it is important to be aware of the following:
- plan overrides properly, a single override can still be limited if conflicted by other default time limits (ex. a daily override higher than the default weekly limit will still be limited by the default weekly limit)
- when placing a reservation in pacRez with a time override, make sure to change the duration of the reservation to match the extended amount

Guest Pass Modifiers

Required Fields (highlighted in beige):

Quantity:            Number of guest passes to be generated
# of days valid:     Number of days each pass will be valid
# of logins:         Number of log ins allowed for each guest pass
Password length:     Length of passwords generated for each pass

Optional Fields (highlighted in blue):

Session Time Override:     Override the default limit of session time
Daily Time Override:       Override the default limit of daily time
Weekly Time Override:      Override the default limit of weekly time
Monthly Time Override:     Override the default limit of monthly time
Time Multiplier Override:  Each minute of use is multiplied by this value (ex. a value of 3 will use up three minutes for each minute used)
PacTime Yellow Threshold:  Time remaining in session before status becomes Yellow
PacTime Orange Threshold:  Time remaining in session before status becomes Orange
PacTime Red Threshold:     Time remaining in session before status becomes Red


Create - Creates guest passes based on the values set in each column
Reset Form - Resets all values in the form
Print - Prints out guest passes after being generated (only shows up when guest passes have been created)

See Also