From GroovixWiki
The default maximum escrow amount on Jamex coin boxes is $5.00. This means that you cannot put more than $5.00 of money into it, so you will be unable to release any print jobs with a value greater than $5.00. To increase the maximum escrow amount:
- open up the back panel of the coin box using the key hole halfway up the unit on the right side
- locate the yes, no, and reset button on the circuit board above the black box on the door
- while holding down the yes button, press and release the reset button. hold in the yes button for at least 1 second after you press reset.
- the unit will display "Escrow" followed by the current setting
- press the no button to increment the maximum escrow amount by $0.50 until it reaches your desired value
- if you want to decrease it, hold the no button in and immediately press the yes button to decrease the amount in $0.50 increments
- press the yes button 5 times to bypass the rest of the unit settings and exit programming mode
- at any point in the process you can hit the reset button to start over