Filter Performance Fix

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Revision as of 06:18, 1 April 2011 by GroovixAdmin (talk | contribs) (Groovix NetCusomization script)

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If web browser speed has been reduced by >10% on workstations running web filtering, implementing the following GNC script will install and configure DNSmasq to create a local cache for DNS requests. More information on Groovix NetCustomization can be found on the Groovix NetCustomization page.

Note: Administrative privileges and knowledge of implementing Groovix NetCustomization scripts are both necessary to follow the steps indicated below. It is highly recommended that the following be handled by an IT professional or with assistance by Groovix Tech Support.

??Mike?? Can you check out this script and commands below are formatted properly, this is how my email client output the content you sent me ??Mike??

Groovix NetCusomization script

apt-get-dontask install dnsmasq
perl -pi -e 's/#prepend domain-name-servers domain-name-servers' /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf
perl -pi -e 's/#listen-address=.*/listen-address=' /etc/dnsmasq.conf
/etc/init.d/networking restart

See Also