GNC Examples
From GroovixWiki
- 1 Introduction to GNC
- 2 Examples
- 2.1 Setting a custom homepage
- 2.2 Setting a custom desktop background
- 2.3 Setting a custom screensaver
- 2.4 Setting a custom welcome message on the login screen
- 2.5 Setting the Acceptable Use Policy page
- 2.6 Enabling the web filter
- 2.7 Whitelisting a website
- 2.8 Adding sites to the DansGuardian exception list
- 2.9 Configuring a Reservation Station machine
- 2.10 Catalog only/kiosk machine
- 2.11 Setting a custom user profile
- 2.12 Downloading large files with a random delay
- 2.13 Setting up or changing printers
- 2.14 Setting custom shutdown delays and shutdown times
Introduction to GNC
Making a new GNC Script using the gnc template
Introduction to the gncget command
Introduction to the apt-get install and apt-get remove commands
Setting a custom homepage
Start by creating a new GNC template and naming it with the date, followed by title, and a '-1' since this is the first of this type; this example uses the name 20120101-custom-homepage-1. In the directory 20120101-custom-homepage-1 edit the gnc file to include the following:
############################################################################################################### GNC_PARAMETERS=' --runonce --skipinstall --abort ' ############################################################################################################### PAC_BROWSER_STARTUP_HOMEPAGE "" /etc//groovix/pac.conf
Setting a custom desktop background
Setting a custom screensaver
Setting a custom welcome message on the login screen
Setting the Acceptable Use Policy page
Enabling the web filter
Whitelisting a website
Adding sites to the DansGuardian exception list
Configuring a Reservation Station machine
Catalog only/kiosk machine