Notable Changes in Groovix 2013
Here is a short list of changes in Groovix 2013 that may affect administrative tasks. From an end user perspective not much has changed aside from newer program versions.
Changing Label/Site/Type
If you need to modify a workstation's label, site, or type after it has been imaged, edit the /etc/groovix/groovix.conf file instead of editing /etc/groovix/label /etc/groovix/site and /etc/groovix/type /etc/groovix/type2, etc. It is OK to add a site or type if they were undefined during imaging, and additional types may added at any time. However, Groovix DOES NOT SUPPORT changing from one label or site to another, or deleting a type. This is because there is no logic in Groovix Net Control to undo changes triggered by previous label/site/type values. Re-imaging a workstation in Groovix 2013 is very easy and ensures a correct configuration.
Groovix 2013 workstations can be re-imaged remotely by: Groovix staff upon request manually editing /etc/grub/grub.cfg and changing the default boot to groovix-re-install Booting up the machine, immediately hitting ESC to